Help the League of Women Voters of Bartlesville continue our programs, educating and empowering citizens to get involved in their government. We make it easy to give.
You can pay online, by credit card or e-check, by clicking on the button below. Cheddar Up is a secure online service especially for non-profits. Online payments will incur a small fee.
Donations to support our local league help fund organizational expenses such as printing, postage, website costs and
honoraria for speakers. They are not tax deductible.
Educational Fund Donations (tax-deductible)
Contributions to our Education Fund, which we use to support educational activities for the general public, are tax deductible.
Send a check, payable to "LWV-B Education fund", to:
LWV Bartlesville
PO Box 3993
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Whatever way you choose to help, we are grateful for your support.